Looking at Ninians Smart’s 7 dimensions of religion and evaluating whether Buddhism has each dimension. Then comparing Buddhism as a worldview with their own worldview, and therefore questioning whether Buddhism is a worldview or a religion, or both!
Here is an A4 Knowledge Organiser for Theme A Relationships and family with AQA.
It has definitions of each key word, dual coding, summaries of each subtopic and key Bible verses highlighted in red.
Brilliant for revision and differentiation.
Lesson 7. Same sex marriage, polygamy and cohabitation for AQA GCSE Theme A Relationships and Family
A complete powerpoint and resources with an exam focus
May take more than one lesson.
A complete scheme of work for AQA GCSE RE Theme A Relationships and Family
Includes complete A4 knowledge organiser, powerpoints and resources for each lesson, exam skill focus, checkpoints assessments and mark schemes and revision material.
Christianity Focus
Sexuality and homosexuality
Sex before Marriage
Sex Outside Marriage (adultery)
Contraception and Family planning
Revision and assessment on Sex
Purpose and Nature of the Family
Same Sex Marriage, Polygamy, cohabitation
Divorce and remarriage
Revision and checkpoint on marriage
Nature and purpose of families in the 21st Century
Same Sex Families
Revision and checkpoint on Families
Gender Equality (COMING SOON)
An exploration on who the Dalai Lama is and what he is like and why he received the nobel peace prize. Study of Tibetan Buddhism and the political situation between Tibet and China!
A series of 8 lessons looking at Buddhism as a worldview.
1.Buddhism through a sociological lens
To consider facts and figures about Buddhism around the world
2.Who was the Buddha?
To consider who the Buddha is through a historical, religious and philosophical lense
3. The stories of Buddha
*To consider what Buddhists learn from the teachings of Buddha
4. Buddhism and happiness
*To consider to what extent Buddhism to contributes to happiness
5. Buddhism and morality
To consider what Buddhism teaches about morality
6. Who was the Dalai Lama?
To consider who the Dalai Lama is and his place within Tibetan Buddhism
7. Buddhism in the 21st century
To consider what part Buddhism plays in the modern world, in terms of culture and wellbeing
8. Is Buddhism a religion?
To consider whether Buddhism is a world view or a religion focussing in Ninian Smart;s 7 dimensions of religion
It presupposes some previous knowledge of worldviews, lenses and types of truth
Would you really love a time line of Religion on your wall? From the Big Bang to the Appointment of Libby Lane - the first female Bishop. It does not include all religions or denominations, just the main 6 religions, Protestant and Catholic, Sunni and Shia. It also includes some key historical moments for context.
There is infographics, pictures, and key facts to make it a useful tool in your classrooms or corridors!
All resource and a powerpoint for AQA GCSE Theme A Relationships & Families Lesson 10 Nature & purpose of families in the 21st century with a GCSE exam focus
AQA GCSE RE Theme A Relationships and Families Lesson 8 Divorce and Remarriage PowerPoint, and all resources which are numbered in the order they come in the lessons
This lesson explores four stories of the Buddha
The blindmen and the elephant
Two monks and the woman
Monkey King and swan
Middle Way sitar
It also sets a homework to listen the The RE Podcast and the episode on the Middle way which links this concept to the teachings of the Buddha from last lesson in a really short and accessible way!
An introductory lesson to Buddhism as a world view looking through a sociological lens. How many Buddhists are there, where in the world are they? What different Buddhists schools are there, and why are some Buddhists monks.
Culminates in the question ‘How do we know not all Buddhists are the same?’
A lesson to consider what the secret to happiness is. Looking at happiness from a sociological and philosophical lens. Comparing GDP to GNH - case study of Bhutan, the linking this to the teachings of the Buddha.
Also provides an opportunity for children to spend time colouring a mandalas while listening to soothing music. You could destroy these after to emphasise non-attachment,
Lesson 8 Religious teachings about divorce and remarriage for AQA GCSE Theme A Relationships & Families
Focus on 12-marker skills plus powerpoint and lesson resources
Everything you need to teach a lesson on Contraception and family planning for AQA Theme A Relationships and Family - types of contraception, Catholic and Protestant views on it, plus abstinence based teachings plus a 12-marker exam focus!
L6. Christian teaching about purpose & nature of marriage for AQA Theme A Relationships and Families.
Includes powerpoint and resources plus an exam focus.
Rather than waiting until the end to check learning - do it as you go along. Each checkpoint tests;
Exam Skills
This check point their knowledge from lessons 1-3 focussing on sex as well as the skill of 4 mark contrasting/similar beliefs questions
Depending on time, you can do a revision lesson first, or set a revision task homework.
Please find revision material, check point booklet plus a mark scheme